Well, I made it through 4 days of work last week (well, 4 hours each day). I worked 10am to 2pm, just so I didn't have to get up at the crack of dawn. This week, since school has started, the smart move is to start by 7:45, or not good parking for me, unless I want to walk and walk, and that would not be the smart thing at this point.
I did OK last week. On Tuesday, I was welcomed by a banner signed by all my coworkers. It was made by Carmen, my friend Evelyn's daughter and my god-daughter (yup, another good Virgo). Carmen started her last year of grade school this year, amazing how fast they grow up! The banner is great, I'll include a picture as soon as I get to those details. Anyhow, there was the banner and kringle. A mini celebration. It was nice to be back in civilization. But, I have to say, by 2pm everyday, I was ready to leave. I would come home and do a few things, but, mostly I napped. Evenings last week were a little busy with Labor Council on Tuesday and knitting on Wednesday, but, I made it to both. I wanted to try, so while she was resting, I did a short strip of grass, about a quarter of the length of the yard. Read, not very much. The lawn mower, which I usually handle with no problem felt so heavy and the vibration was pretty intense. Just that little bit, and I was out of breath. No stamina or strength. Anyhow, when that was done, we celebrated Friday by ordering a pizza. Nummy!
My appetite has been weird to say the least. One day I'm craving something and the next day that same thing makes me want to gag. It's really frustrating to Sara who is trying to get me to eat a healthy diet. Up until today, fruit really held no appeal to me. But, I had some melon this morning and it was good. More on the past two days later.
Friday was a little busier in the afternoon, since I had to get mega change at the bank for the Labor Day picnic. I had it in a locked box, but, that was pretty heavy for me to carry. Luckily, I was parked pretty close to the door of the bank.
On top of everything else last week, Sara's car continued to not start every few days. She had to have it taken in for repairs on Tuesday, Friday and Saturday. As a result, I had to do some extra running around. Poor Sara can't catch the break she so much deserves. But, we've had 4 days in a row with no problem, I think we've got it resolved Houston.
So, during the week, I was pretty much having the same level of pain (2 Advil's every 4 hours for the most part). But, I did start being able to sleep through the night without having to take anything. I'd be more than ready in the morning, but, I was waking up at 2am in pain.
After dealing with Sara's car on Saturday, we commenced with our original plan to take me up to the mall in Appleton to find something to wear for today. I received an award and really didn't think I had anything that would fit me. I didn't want to look like a scarecrow. I had no idea what size I was down to. So, once we found an outfit and a fitting room, Sara brought in like four sizes. The skirt in size 18 fit well. I could actually put on the 16, but, it was a little tight. 16???? I wore an 18 already in high school. That's two sizes that I'm down. I'll find out tomorrow when I go to the doctor who many pounds.
Anyhow, that was pretty hard work trying on clothes (once again, no stamina). I was pretty wiped when we got home, between shopping and the mornings fun with cars. I napped when we got home, but, had promised Sara I'd help her clean. We ate some supper, and then I needed another nap. What would happen is first I'd get cold, then I'd get tired---exhausted. I'd have on sweats, a fleece top and socks, and cover up. I didn't have a fever or anything (I'm trying to take my temp. at least twice a day). About 9pm, I had enough energy to at least clean the kitchen (luckily, Sara always vacuums, I'm not even tempted to try right now). Oh, the other weird thing on Saturday was really thristy. I could have drank the lake. When we went to Starbucks, I opted for a lemonade instead of mocha. Anyhow who knows me is that I love my daily mocha. The thought of it made my throat dry. The employee who took care of me, was surprised I wasn't getting my regular. She said, the lemonade is concentrate and not sweetened. I said great! A few of them had to watch me take that first drink. It was great! Anyhow, the mocha problem didn't last, but, I've almost emptied a half gallon of lemon-limeade since Saturday.
Sunday, Sara's family was coming to visit. We went to church. It wasn't as bad as last week when it seemed like 2 hours long, especially with squirmy kids in front of me. But, I was still tired when we got home. Once again the freezing/exhausted problem. I slept for 3 hours. They had arrived by the time I got up (such a hostess I am). I was good the rest of the afternoon, but, by the evening, I was pretty exhausted again. I was getting worried.
Monday was Labor Day. Usually, we're setting up for the picnic on Sunday night (not this year) and at the park by 8:30 in the morning. No way this year, I knew that wouldn't happen. Sara was out of here by 9 and got out of here a little after 10, the food serving started at 11, so neither of us was that late, they just had to set up without us. I was going to work selling raffle tickets (sitting down). I would be able to leave whenever I wanted. Sara did my usual job collecting money for the food. I felt pretty good when I got there and helped with the tickets, actually until after 3pm! Sara said everyone was worrying about me being there yet. When I got home, I knew I would have to go back to collect all the money, so I figured I would rest for about an hour or so. I really hadn't eaten anything, brats, hot dogs and corn really didn't appeal to me. I ate some cold pizza (ya, I know like that is any better, but, it tasted good). Oddly, there was none of the chills or exhaustion from the weekend. I laid down, and the other strange thing was, I realized I had no pain--anywhere! When I went back to the park, Sara and I pretty much collected our stuff and I took the money. We chatted with a few folks, but were home by 5:30. I counted the money and did a few other things, but, decided to take her easy since today was going to be a busy day.
I got up at 5:30am. Normal time. Took care of Churchill's testing and then took a shower. I felt pretty good (I was worried I'd) be tired. I was at work by 7:45. Sara picked me up on her way in and gave me a ride to the end of campus. A pretty long walk. I had to get ready for the awards. I was a little worried about walking on stage (luckily we sit up there and don't have to climb steps during the ceremony). I talked to the Chancellor before the program and told him that I was moving pretty slow, but, I was OK. A lot of speechifying before the awards, which went pretty fast. The classified staff were in a group in the audience and let their presence be known for all 4 of us getting awards. None of that stuffy academia for us!
So after pictures and hugs, I decided that with "spotters" I was going to walk back to the library. Sara argued with me, but, I didn't want her to loose her parking space. After Jean and Karen promised to take care of me and I promised to call as soon as I got back, she let me go. As promised they stayed with me. Karen was amazed at how tired I was. I kept telling folks to just go around us, at one point the Chancellor came up from behind with a few other administrators. I said, just go around I'm moving slow, he just said, you're not moving slow, you're strolling. That made me feel better. Anyhow, I was at work 6 hours today. I was as tired when I left and I went and picked up my prescription for iron tablets and some vitamins. Still feeling Ok.
Oh ya, Sara sent me an article she found about studies that are being done on women who have their ovaries removed prior to menopause. There are links being found between that and dementia. Isn't that interesting. But, heck, we'll just take those pesky things out to as long as we're at it.....grrrrr!
Tonight I'm tired, but, that's pretty normal after a day like today. Somehow, I feel like the weekend was turning a corner. We'll see how things go tomorrow with the doctor. Hopefully good. I'll try to give you a timely report and also get some more done on the post on the procedure itself and the weeks after.
For now, that's it today.