Tuesday, September 11, 2007


Remember how I said that we talked about periods, etc. when I was at the doctor last week. We decided that it would be sometime this week. Well, not bad, considering how messed up I was. I started on Sunday. It's been nothing tremendous or like it used to be. Thank you hormone Gods! But, I have to say I'm having more cramps than I've had for years. Plus (and this is gross), there have been a few pieces of what I figure are dying fibroids (yeah). I woke up today and decided, based on the pain and not exactly knowing what to expect, stayed home. Things have been OK, so I think I can relax (along with my bottle of Advil).

Sara had sent me this link for a hour long utube video of a UFE. It's really good, especially if you have no clue about the procedure (perhaps some medical personel out there should watch this!).


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